"Protesters Storm Swedish Embassy in Baghdad, Adding to Diplomatic Tensions"
Protesters scale a wall at the Swedish Embassy in Baghdad

"Protesters Storm Swedish Embassy in Baghdad, Adding to Diplomatic Tensions"

"Iraq Severs Ties with Sweden After Anti-Quran Demonstration in Stockholm"

"Protesters Storm Swedish Embassy in Baghdad, Adding to Diplomatic Tensions"

Iraq has ended its relationship with Sweden because of a protest in Stockholm where an individual disrespected the Quran and the Iraqi flag. Pictures of protesters attacking the Swedish embassy in Baghdad also caused tension.

During the protest in Stockholm, a man threatened to burn the Quran but did not actually do it. A similar incident happened last month when the same man burned a Quran outside a mosque during a Muslim holiday.

In response to the recent events, Iraq's Prime Minister expelled the Swedish ambassador and withdrew the Iraqi charge d’affaires from Sweden. The Iraqi government also promised to prosecute those responsible for the attack on the embassy in Baghdad.

The head of Iraq's Media and Communications Commission suspended the license of a Swedish company called Ericsson to operate in Iraq. The Ministry of Communications also said it would stop all dealings with Swedish companies.

The U.S. expressed support for Sweden after the embassy attack, condemning the violence and lack of action from Iraqi Security Forces.

The Swedish Foreign Ministry stated that their embassy staff is safe and condemned all attacks on diplomats and international organizations.

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