Man returns to India after spending 29 years in Pakistani jail
Man returns to India after spending 29 years in Pakistani jail

Man returns home after staying in Pakistan jail for 29 years

After serving 29 years in a Pakistani prison, a man returns to India.


After spending 29 years in a Pakistani jail, an Indian man came home to Kathua, Jammu and Kashmir, and was greeted with a resounding homecoming.

He claims that any Indian who falls into the Pakistan Army's trap is viewed as a spy and is tortured and imprisoned without regard for human rights. 

"For three and a half years, I was tortured and subjected to barbaric treatment," he claimed.

According to Singh, every Indian who falls into the Pakistan Army's trap is considered as a spy and subjected to torture, including high-voltage torches and solitary confinement. 

"I never gave up. When an Indian falls into the hands of the Pakistani army, he or she is considered as a spy and is tortured and imprisoned without regard for human rights "Singh stated. 

Singh said he has a new lease on life and is overjoyed at the prospect of reuniting with his family. 

He further stated that two persons from Jammu and Kashmir remain imprisoned in Pakistan and are awaiting release. He further said that ten to twelve Indians are being treated in Pakistani mental institutes after being tortured by security forces.

On humanitarian reasons, Singh also urged both the Indian and Pakistani governments to free all of their captives. 

Urmila Singh, Kuldeep Singh's wife, expressed her joy at her husband's return after 29 years. 

"For our family, today is a significant day. For him and our family, this is a new beginning "she stated 

Amit Singh, Singh's son, said his father's absence had caused him a lot of problems. 

"We've knocked on every door in the hopes of obtaining my father's release. Many people aided us in the aftermath of my father's death. Now that our lives have altered, "Added he.

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