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Chandigarh Administration Survey of CHB Dwelling Units allotted under Rehabilitation Process/ Small Chandigarh Administration Survey of CHB Dwelling Units allotted under Rehabilitation Process/ Small Flats Scheme/ARHC
Saturday, 16 Jul 2022 18:00 pm
News Headlines, English News, Today Headlines, Top Stories | Arth Parkash

News Headlines, English News, Today Headlines, Top Stories | Arth Parkash

chandigarh। CHB has allotted about 18000 flats under Rehabilitation Scheme/Small Flat Scheme/Affordable Rental Housing Scheme. These flats have been allotted for the occupation of the allottee and their families. The detail of Small Flats is as under:

Such flats cannot be sold/Sub-let/transferred/handed over to other persons. There are some unconfirmed complaints that some of the allottee have sold/transferred their flats unauthorizedly/illegally. Since such flats cannot be sold/transferred, these instance may be the clear cases of violation of Terms & Conditions and it may also attract criminal case for committing fraud/cheating etc. The allottees who have illegally sold/sub-let/transferred the flats and the purchasers both are liable to face action for the fraud/cheating/forgery etc.  The persons who may be known from whatever name like Property Dealer/Document Writer/Middleman/Property Consultant/Facilitator/Financer etc who are involved in the illegal transactions of Sell/Sub-let/Transfer of Small Flats are also liable to face action for being part of the criminal conspiracy for such illegal transactions.
3. The Chandigarh Housing Board has decided to survey of all such flats. Teams of officers of CHB will visit each of such flat and the survey may includethe following aspects:
i. Whether the Flat is occupied by the allottee and his family only.
ii. Whether Monthly rent/licence fee/installments is being paid regularly andpresently dues are NOT pending against such flat.
4. The survey at Small Flats was scheduled for today i.e. 17.07.2022 but due to continuous heavy rain during the whole night and also in the morning, it could not be taken up. Now the survey will start in next few days.
Here it is mentioned that:
i. At the time of survey, the occupant of the flat is required to establish his/her identity and being family member of the allottee. The term family member includes Parent, Brother, Sister, Spouse, Son, Daughter, Daughter-in Law and Grand Children of the allottee.
ii. Friends, cousins, relatives may reside with the allottee for a shorter duration but they cannot be permanent resident of the flat. Occupation of the flat by relatives, cousins, friends or other person, in absence of the Allotee or his/her family members will be treated as violation and the allottee will be required to explain the same. If it is found that the allottee or his family members are not residing in the flat, then it will be treated as violation of Terms & Conditions of allotment.
iii. List of pending dues has been uploaded on the website of the Chandigarh Housing board and the latest dues position can be ascertained by visiting the website of the Chandigarh Housing Board. The payments may be made either at any of the Sampark Center or through online mode by visiting website of the CHB i.e.
5. In case violation of the Terms & Conditions are observed during the survey, the allotment of the flat will be cancelled and possession of the flat will be taken back by the Chandigarh housing board, after following the due procedure. The flats got vacated during this process may be utilized for allotment to other eligible persons by following the due process.
6. CHB may also file FIR against such Allottees &  Purchasers and also against Property Dealers/Document Writers/Middlemen/Property Consultants/Facilitators/Financer etc who are involved in the  illegal transactions of Sell/Purchase/Sub-let/Transfer of Small Flats.
7. All the concerned CHB allottees who have been allotted the flats on under the Small Flat Schemes are requested to co-operate with the officers of the CHB during their visit for the survey. The officers of CHB will be carrying their identity cards at the time of survey.