News Headlines, English News, Today Headlines, Top Stories | Arth Parkash
SFS HELD ITS GBM, Discusses Its Future Agenda, Situation of People and Nation
Tuesday, 08 Aug 2023 00:00 am
News Headlines, English News, Today Headlines, Top Stories | Arth Parkash

News Headlines, English News, Today Headlines, Top Stories | Arth Parkash

Chandigarh: August 8, 2023: (Kartika Singh/Arth Parkash):: SFS held General Body Meeting of its members. Students from various departments participated and gave different suggestions to expand and consolidate our organisation. Various issues of the university were also discussed. SFS who coordinated the meeting, introduced the concept of GBM and the democracy in organisation. It is the difference between the collective decision-making within SFS and other student organisations which are controlled by mainstream political parties for achieving their ends. 

He briefed about the revolutionary legacy of SFS since its inception. He said SFS tried to change the consumerist culture and presence of money-muscle power politics with uncompromising revolutionary politics on our campus by holding debates, discussing and staging protests on the issues of students, workers and any injustice, exploitation and discrimination in society. 

SFS President Sandeep addressed the gathering. He said that we are holding GBM at a time when the country is witnessing skyrocketing inflation, all-time high unemployment, widening inequalities and relentless privatization of PSUs, natural resources, education, health and cutting of funds for society security schemes for people. The condition of workers, agricultural labourers, peasantry and other hardworking sections is pathetic. Centralisation of power is also on the rise. Governments both at the Centre and States are implementing anti-people policies and diverting people's attention by polarising people on caste, religion and identity politics. He said that the reflection of all these issues is also felt in Panjab University. For example, frequent fee hikes, cutting funds by governments, contractualization of teaching posts, workers, security guards etc. have been made permanent features of decisions of PU authorities. This needs to be challenged with uncompromising struggles by genuine student organisation answerable to students not to the bosses of electoral political parties. SFS represents the genuine alternative to individualistic, consumerist and money-muscle power politics. He appealed that to build an egalitarian and discrimination and exploitation-free society, we need to strengthen SFS and should take its historical legacy to students to bring change in the university and society. 

GBM discussed and decided to strengthen SFS by reaching out to new students, holding debates, discussions, and seminars on various social, economic, and political issues and fighting protests for students' rights and society. GBM put stamp on the decision of the activist committee to fight the upcoming PUCSC election in 2023.