News Headlines, English News, Today Headlines, Top Stories | Arth Parkash
LoC tourism thrives: boosting jobs and local joy Tourism flourishes along LoC, drawing visitors from distant states, boosting jobs and local delight
Thursday, 10 Aug 2023 00:00 am
News Headlines, English News, Today Headlines, Top Stories | Arth Parkash

News Headlines, English News, Today Headlines, Top Stories | Arth Parkash

Jammu and Kashmir's decision to open areas near the Line of Control (LoC) for tourism is yielding remarkable outcomes. Not only are locals and tourists expressing gratitude, but the move is also drawing visitors from distant states, injecting life into the local economy.

Far-flung visitors find appeal:

The decision has resonated beyond local boundaries, attracting tourists even from far-flung regions. G. Shankara Rao and his family traveled from Hyderabad in Telangana to witness the last village along the LoC. Rao shared that the opportunity to see the Pakistan border was the driving factor behind their visit. The presence of visitors from diverse locations adds to the vibrancy of the area.

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Tourists are relishing the unique experience of having lunch by the Kishenganga river, also known as Neelam on the Pakistan-occupied Kashmir side. The fact that people from both sides can be seen without crossing the border astonishes many. Addressing safety concerns, Rao expressed confidence in the adequate security presence in the area.

Local prosperity and hope:

The decision's positive impact extends to the local population, particularly in Keran tehsil. Earning opportunities have surged due to the influx of tourists. Mudasir Khan, a local resident, expressed gratitude to the Indian Army, district administration, and key leaders for their attention to the region. The presence of visitors has generated local tourism and transformed livelihood prospects.

While the region celebrates these developments, residents are unified in their call for better infrastructure, particularly improved roads and connectivity. The smooth movement of tourists is crucial, and locals are eager for enhanced facilities to accommodate the growing footfall.

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Administering sustainable tourism:

Deputy Commissioner (Kupwara) Ayushi Sudan emphasized the importance of sustainable and eco-friendly tourism development. The administration is diligently working to improve facilities while preserving the area's natural beauty. The collaboration with the Indian Army is instrumental in advancing tourism infrastructure.

Sudan underscored the commitment to developing infrastructure while ensuring the environment remains unharmed. Private investments are welcomed, but they must align with ecological preservation. The current footfall at Keran showcases the rising interest, with almost 1,000 to 1,500 visitors daily, and even exceeding 2,000 on weekends.

Efforts are underway to enhance connectivity. The road is being handled by the Border Roads Organisation, and plans for optical fiber cables are progressing. The administration envisions a well-connected future, with a focus on sustainable growth and preserving the valley's natural allure.

As tourists explore the beauty of the region near the LoC, the collaborative efforts of various stakeholders are paving the way for a prosperous and ecologically responsible future.