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Massive Tree Removal Sparks Environmental Concerns Massive Tree Removal Sparks Environmental Concerns in Tasmania
Tuesday, 15 Aug 2023 00:00 am
News Headlines, English News, Today Headlines, Top Stories | Arth Parkash

News Headlines, English News, Today Headlines, Top Stories | Arth Parkash

Uproar Over Ancient Tree Logging
The sight of an immense, centuries-old tree being transported on a logging truck through central Tasmania has ignited a wave of environmental concerns. Activists and citizens alike are calling for action to halt the damage inflicted on native forests. Pictures of the colossal tree's transportation have prompted urgent appeals for political attention to the unfolding situation.

Environmentalists Rally Against Logging
The discovery of the massive tree being hauled away triggered a passionate response from environmentalists, who are urging political leaders to witness the destruction firsthand. A group of around 20 conservationists, including former Greens leader Bob Brown, staged a protest in the Florentine Valley, a logging coupe site located approximately 100km from Hobart.

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Activists on the ground reported that the logging coupe contained three stumps of Eucalyptus regnans that matched the size of the tree on the truck. These trees, with a diameter of over 3 meters, were believed to be several centuries old. The Wilderness Society disclosed that previous surveys by citizen scientists identified 49 additional trees with diameters exceeding 2 meters, signaling the significant ecological impact of the logging activity.

Global Outcry for Conservation
Bob Brown, now chair of the Bob Brown Foundation, condemned the felling of such ancient and monumental trees. Describing it as a "national disgrace," Brown called on the prime minister to witness the devastation and take decisive action against native forest logging. He emphasized the potential for tourism in preserving these natural wonders.
The future of native forest logging has become a central issue for Australia's Labor Party, gaining momentum ahead of the party's national conference. Over 300 Labor branches have backed a campaign to cease native forestry activities and transition to a publicly owned plantation industry, aligning with commitments made by some state governments.

Government Defense and Conservation Measures
While environmentalists criticize logging practices, the Tasmanian Liberal government maintains its stance on responsible practices. Premier Jeremy Rockliff highlighted the presence of significant trees in both protected areas and production forests, asserting that well-established procedures exist to safeguard these trees. The state-owned timber agency, now known as Sustainable Timber Tasmania, justified the felling of the pictured tree as a safety measure.

Definition of Giant Trees Contested
Critics challenge the definition of giant trees, suggesting that the criteria of 85 meters in height or 280 cubic meters estimated stem volume lacks scientific grounding. Forest ecologist Dr. Jen Sanger argued that any substantial tree with ecological value, particularly those that support hollow-dependent species, should be protected. She estimated the age of the tree on the truck to exceed 400 years.
Environmental campaigners stress the urgency of addressing the ongoing environmental crisis, with concerns extending beyond this single incident. The sentiment is echoed by Tasmanian Greens leader Rosalie Woodruff, who characterized the felling of the ancient tree as a "crime against nature." The implications of such actions on the delicate ecological balance call for comprehensive measures to protect and preserve these invaluable natural resources.

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