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Saudi guards accused of killing hundreds of Ethiopian migrants Saudi Border guards accused of killing hundreds of Ethiopian migrants, HRW reports
Tuesday, 22 Aug 2023 00:00 am
News Headlines, English News, Today Headlines, Top Stories | Arth Parkash

News Headlines, English News, Today Headlines, Top Stories | Arth Parkash

Disturbing Allegations of Deadly Attacks
Human Rights Watch (HRW) released a comprehensive 73-page report on Monday, revealing alarming claims of Saudi Arabian border guards resorting to lethal force against Ethiopian migrants, including women and children, attempting to cross the mountainous Yemen-Saudi border. According to the rights group, Saudi guards used explosive weapons and close-range gunfire, leading to the deaths of numerous migrants. The report collated testimonies from 38 Ethiopian migrants who ventured to cross the border between March 2022 and June 2023. Additionally, accounts from four relatives or friends of migrants added weight to the harrowing claims.

HRW's report describes the attacks on migrant groups using remote mountain tracks as "widespread and systematic," suggesting a troubling pattern of violence. Even more concerning is the assertion that these killings are ongoing, portraying a grim situation for migrants seeking refuge in Saudi Arabia. The report's shocking revelations raise critical questions about the treatment of vulnerable migrants along this perilous route.

Saudi Denial and International Response

In response to HRW's accusations, an anonymous Saudi official denied the allegations, stating that they are "unfounded and not based on reliable sources." These denials echo the country's strong rejection of similar allegations made by U.N. officials in 2022. Meanwhile, the U.S. State Department has expressed its concern about the report's claims. The department has communicated with the Saudi government, urging it to conduct a thorough and transparent investigation into the matter.

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The migration route from the Horn of Africa to Saudi Arabia through Yemen has long served as a pathway for Ethiopian migrants seeking better economic opportunities and safety from conflict. With an estimated 750,000 Ethiopians residing in Saudi Arabia, this migration corridor has significant implications for both countries. Many migrants are fleeing economic hardship in Ethiopia, which has been further exacerbated by conflicts in regions like Tigray.

HRW's report is founded on compelling evidence, including witness accounts, videos, photos of casualties, and satellite imagery. The advocacy group has meticulously assembled this evidence to substantiate its claims. While the researchers were unable to access the specific border area where the alleged killings occurred, the accounts and visual material provided paint a distressing picture of the situation.

An Escalation of Violence
Nadia Hardman, the author of the report, shared that witnesses recounted shocking scenes of "killing fields," describing bodies strewn across the mountainous terrain and people suffering grave injuries. According to Hardman, an escalation in the frequency and brutality of these targeted killings has been observed since 2022. The mounting evidence suggests a deliberate intensification of violence against migrants.

The revelations in HRW's report have drawn international attention to the distressing plight of Ethiopian migrants along the Yemen-Saudi border. As allegations continue to raise concerns, the pressure is mounting for thorough investigations and accountability. The report serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need to address the challenges faced by migrants and refugees, ensuring their safety and dignity are protected throughout their journeys.

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