The Himachal Pradesh High Court has lifted its stay on the operations of five specialized outpatient departments (OPDs) at the Atal Institute of Medical Sciences, commonly referred to as Chamiana Hospital in Shimla. This state-of-the-art facility was constructed to alleviate the patient burden on the overcrowded Indira Gandhi Medical College (IGMC), Shimla. The court's decision marks a significant milestone for healthcare accessibility in the region.
Advocate General Anup Kumar Rattan hailed the court's ruling as a major victory for the people of Himachal Pradesh. “We had persistently requested the court to allow the opening of these OPDs. The infrastructure at Chamiana Hospital is world-class, and it is heartening to see the court recognize the urgency of its operation,” he stated. Acting Chief Justice had personally inspected the hospital premises, emphasizing the pressing need for its operationalization. Following this visit, the court instructed immediate resolution of issues such as transportation and logistical challenges.
Chamiana Hospital was inaugurated in October 2024 at a cost of ₹400 crore. Despite being equipped with cutting-edge medical technology, the hospital’s advanced infrastructure had remained underutilized due to legal challenges. The reopening of the five OPDs is expected to provide substantial relief to IGMC, which has been struggling with an overwhelming patient load.
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Advocate General Rattan elaborated on the potential impact of the decision, stating, “IGMC’s resources are heavily strained, and the reopening of Chamiana’s OPDs will help redistribute the patient load. This step ensures that people in and around Shimla can access specialized healthcare services in a more convenient and organized manner.”
The government has pledged to resolve pending issues related to the hospital’s functionality, including the construction of patient shelters, development of parking facilities, and establishment of a waste management system. The High Court emphasized the importance of addressing these matters promptly to ensure that the public benefits from this significant healthcare investment without further delays. These issues will be reviewed during the next court hearing scheduled for December 29, 2024.
The Chamiana Hospital decision aligns with the state government’s broader vision to enhance healthcare delivery systems across Himachal Pradesh. Advocate General Rattan emphasized that this development is part of a larger effort to improve medical services statewide. “This ruling is not just about Chamiana Hospital. It represents our commitment to making healthcare accessible and efficient for every citizen of Himachal Pradesh,” he remarked.
The reopening of the OPDs marks a crucial step toward operationalizing the facility, which is expected to create a more balanced healthcare ecosystem in the state. With advanced medical facilities now accessible, residents can look forward to improved healthcare outcomes and reduced pressure on existing medical institutions.