Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, along with his cabinet, visited Prayagraj during the Mahakumbh 2025, a grand religious gathering occurring after 144 years. The day began with an important cabinet meeting, followed by a visit to the holy Sangam for a sacred dip. Videos of the event, showing the Chief Minister and his ministers joyfully participating in the rituals, have gone viral on social media.
After concluding the cabinet meeting, CM Yogi, Deputy Chief Ministers Keshav Prasad Maurya and Brajesh Pathak, along with other ministers, took part in the holy ritual at Sangam. They were seen bathing in the Ganga, performing traditional rituals, and offering water to the Sun God. The ministers appeared delighted, sharing playful moments by splashing water on each other. These heartwarming scenes showcased their faith and light-hearted camaraderie.
CM Yogi welcomed all devotees who attended the Mahakumbh, emphasizing the overwhelming response, with over 9.25 crore people bathing at Sangam in just one week.
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During the meeting, the Yogi government approved several major proposals:
These projects aim to enhance development, connectivity, and healthcare across the state. The government's focus on infrastructure and cultural preservation reflects its dedication to modernizing while respecting tradition.
The holy dip and subsequent decisions underline the significance of Mahakumbh 2025, blending spirituality with progress.