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Do not rely on the weighing scale to keep track of your weight reduction or gain. Eight changes you may do in 2022 to help you attain your fitness goals
Monday, 03 Jan 2022 10:00 am
News Headlines, English News, Today Headlines, Top Stories | Arth Parkash

News Headlines, English News, Today Headlines, Top Stories | Arth Parkash

The New Year is always a chance to start over and avoid making the same mistakes as the previous year; here's what you can do.

Apart from celebrating, most individuals would want to make resolutions as we enter the New Year. Fitness and weight-loss resolutions are popular worldwide, particularly in the wake of the pandemic.

A new year is usually an opportunity to start over and avoid repeating mistakes from the previous year, which for many people in 2021 may have included laziness and failing to stick to an exercise plan.

Dr. Sandeep Gore, Director-Emergency Medicine, Fortis Hospital, Mulund, offers some advice for you if you are one of them. Read on to find out what you can do to keep your fitness ambitions going till 2022.


1. Pick something you enjoy: Instead of going for something that promises quick results, go for something that is more manageable. If you enjoy jogging, set aside time each day to exercise for 45 minutes to an hour. Running, swimming, jogging, brisk walking, and cycling are all options. But don't do it if you don't like it.

2. Try different workouts: If you are bored with your current routine or if you enjoy it but want to try something new, do so. This will not only spice up your workout, but it will also put your body and muscle memory to the test.

3. Get a workout app: From yoga to interval training and jogging, there are a plethora of digital gurus at your fingertips. In addition, an increasing number of boutique gyms are offering online streaming sessions so you can work out from anywhere. Before beginning any strenuous exercise after the age of 40, consult your doctor.

4. Don't rely on the scale: Losing weight should make you feel more active and healthy, and if it doesn't, something is wrong. Your weight can change due to factors such as water retention and your menstrual cycle. There's also the fact that muscle weighs more than fat, which means you could be losing weight without the scale moving at all. When you're standing there, however, you're not thinking that. Instead, you may blame the chocolate you ate the night before, pledging to increase the intensity of your workouts.

5. Eat healthy: Be conscious of what you eat rather than depriving yourself of something you enjoy. Allow yourself to indulge in sweets, chocolate, street food, or a nightly glass of wine in moderation. The goal is to maintain a decent level of control while not feeling deprived.

6. Make tiny changes: Walk to neighboring locations instead of taking an auto-rickshaw or a car. At least for a few stories, take the stairs rather than the elevator. Sweeping and cleaning the floor should become a habit.

7. Take a break: It's just as crucial to take a break to avoid burnout or injury. You may be tempted to jump right into a daily workout plan, but it will be more sustainable if you ease into it.

8. A good attitude: One of the easiest and most efficient methods to boost happiness, control depression, and create resilience is to have positive helping thankfulness.