All of the PU Fired Workers will Re-join

All of the PU Fired Workers will Re-join

After 58 days, PU Authorities Bow Down!!!

All of the PU Fired Workers will Re-join 

Chandigarh: 27 June 2023: (Kartika Singh/Arth Parkash):: Today was the 58th day of the indefinite day-night protest of fired PU workers. After many days of struggle, PU authorities bowed down and agreed to rejoin all fired PU workers. SFS organized many protests and mobilized students, research scholars, Trade Union, farmer unions, civil society and workers, family members including children to intensify the agitation of PU workers. The hard work of PU workers, finally paid off.

SFS President Sandeep said that "the struggle of workers has shown that insensitive and adamant PU authorities can be made to bow by the strength of workers' unity. This issue arises every year as these workers are employed on an outsourced basis by involving contractors. It is more viable if Panjab University recruits them directly. It will save funds that it pays to contractors and the jobs of workers will be ensured. We demand that Panjab University must recruit workers regularly and permanently.

Three days back the kids of these fired workers joined the protest. The families at the drop are suffering from children's school fees, House Rent, and basic living necessities. The faces and eyes of those kids have explained it all. They rose the demand to rejoin their only bread-earner of the family.  

Student Organisations as well as all the Re-joined Contractual Workers were standing still on the following demands. These words became the hashtags on many social media sites of various students. It is a victory for the Unity of all. They have proven that University is not just for studying, for farewell parties, or for having similar age groups for bonding, it will teach you to have firm decisive power. To come to power with the authorities to have your rights. This is shown with this victory. It's a victory for the SFS Students too, who stand firmly with contractual workers, from day one. 

#End Exploitative Contract System
#Regularise all PU Workers

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