beat the winter blues
Ayurveda and yoga can help you beat the winter blues

beat the winter blues

Ayurveda and yoga can help you beat the winter blues


One of the most prevalent winter feelings is not wanting to get out of bed. It's only natural for 'winter lethargy' to set in with fewer days and longer nights. Is it, however, as important to combat the same and feel energised for the day ahead? Are you unsure what you can do? We've got your back. 

Dr. Mitali Madhusmita, a senior Ayurveda expert at The Art of Living's Sri Sri Tattva Panchkarma, offers some Ayurvedic advice to beat the winter blues:

"In Ayurveda, our body types are classified as Vata (air and ether), Pitta (fire and water), and Kapha (earth and water), also known as doshas, bioenergies comparable to the Greek humours. These doshas are thought to be in charge of a person's physical, mental, and emotional well-being and constitution. "They come from nature's five elements: Aakash (space), Jala (water), Prithvi (earth), Teja (fire), and Vayu (air)," she explained.

According to the ancient treatment method of Ayurveda, a person's strength decreases during this time of year, Kapha dosha (earth and water element) deposition occurs, and Agni (digestive fire) remains on the higher side. During this season, the primary rasa or flavour is bitter (tikta), while the prominent element among the five elements is akasha or space.

The winter season is divided into two halves by Ayurveda: early winter (Hemant) and late winter (Ayurveda) (Shishir). The Kapha (earth and water elements) and Vata (air and space element) are intensified during this season. Dullness, sleepiness, weight gain, mucous-related sickness, and unpleasant emotions are all symptoms of an excessive Kapha dosha. 

Vata is aggravated by cold and dry weather, resulting in joint pain, dyspepsia, skin dryness, and other problems. The major goal of an ayurvedic winter diet and lifestyle is to balance both Vata and Kapha.


Dietary advice for the winter

Easy-to-digest foods include cereals, aged barely, wheat, rice, and millets such as corn/bajra. Moong, black gramme, and masoor are all good pulses. Incorporate fresh amla into your diet. Ginger, basil, asafoetida, cardamom, cinnamon, turmeric, cumin, fennel, clove, pepper, nutmeg, pipali, lemon, and garlic should all be included in your diet. 

In the winter, sesame seeds and flaxseed are excellent choices (as they are good source of calcium). In the winter, milk and milk products, sugar cane, and jaggery are all healthy dietary sources. 

Start your day with a warm oil massage to moisturise your skin and promote blood circulation; sesame oil is particularly effective for massage. Warm oil massage increases circulation and fat removal, as well as digestion and lethargy, all of which are frequent in the winter.


Ayurvedic remedies for better health


Medicated oil is injected into both nostrils during this operation to remove accumulated Kapha and toxin from the head and neck region. It aids in the moisturization of the nasal passage. It helps with sinusitis, bronchitis, allergies, and nasal congestion, all of which are typical throughout the winter. This balances the Vata dosha. 

Sweda Pathra Pinda Pathra Pinda Pathra Pinda Pathra Pind 

In this process, medicinal plant leaves are wrapped in a cloth and put to any portion of the body that needs to sweat while being heated. It relieves aches and pains and keeps the joint flexible by reducing stiffness and heaviness.


This herbal powder massage uses a rubbing oil to conduct a therapeutic deep tissue massage. The massage's intensity generates heat, which melts the excess fat. It removes dead skin cells and leaves the skin looking healthy and radiant. Itching and burning sensations are significantly reduced. The procedure aids in the removal of subcutaneous fat, as well as toxins from the body. This is an excellent detox approach. 

In the winter, the best approach to preserve vitamin D levels is to expose oneself to early morning sunlight. During the winter months, chyavanprash is recommended for consumption since it boosts general health and increases natural resistance.

Regularly practising these yoga postures will increase your energy levels and keep you active throughout the day. You can finish your task ahead of schedule and still have time to pursue your hobby or spend more time with family and friends if you have more energy.


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