Covid preparedness of the city
UT Administrator Banwariolal Purohit

Covid preparedness of the city, UT Administration Banwarilal Purohit

Covid curbs to stay, no new relaxations in Chandigarh

Covid curbs to stay, no new relaxations in Chandigarh

The Chandigarh administration wants to see an increase in the immunisation rate among 15 to 18-year-olds.

UT Administrator Banwarilal Purohit Thursday urged all officials to beef up the fight against Covid-19 after reviewing the city’s Covid preparedness. The Administrator expressed pleasure with the Administration’s efforts, but emphasised the importance of pursuing a new strategy to raise the testing rate.


The Administrator praised the Health Department’s strong approach to vaccinate the target demographic, but he also requested that the vaccination rate in the 15-18 age group, which is now 66.37 percent, be improved. “Vaccination is the only way to defend ourselves from the grip of the virus,” the Administrator added, urging city people to get vaccinated. Purohit ordered that the preceding limits be enforced without any exceptions.




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