Himachal Pradesh ravaged by heavy rainfall

Himachal Pradesh ravaged by heavy rainfall

Himachal Pradesh ravaged by heavy rainfall and losses

Himachal Pradesh, a northern Indian state, has been grappling with the devastating impacts of heavy rainfall, leading to widespread road blockages and disruption of water supply schemes. This year's monsoon has brought about tragic consequences, with a significant loss of life and property.

Rainfall and road blockages

Around 281 roads, including the National Highway 305, have been rendered impassable due to the heavy rainfall, as reported by the State Emergency Operation Centre. The torrential downpours have also disrupted 177 water supply schemes. Despite these challenges, there have been no fire incidents in the past 24 hours, according to government data.

ALSO READ: Monsoon Havoc: Severe Weather Alerts in Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and Bihar

Rain-related deaths and casualties

Since the onset of the monsoon season on June 24, Himachal Pradesh has witnessed a distressing toll of rain-related incidents. The State Disaster Management Authority disclosed that as many as 367 individuals have lost their lives in such occurrences this year. Tragically, an average of about seven people have been losing their lives daily due to rain-triggered incidents within the state.

Challenges and recent landslides

Over a span of two weeks, Himachal Pradesh has been plagued by numerous landslides across different areas, the most recent being in Kullu on Thursday. These landslides have further aggravated the state's predicament, compounding the existing challenges.

ALSO READ: Vulnerable building structures: Rain Induced collapses in Himachal Pradesh

Causes of death and impact

Out of the total reported deaths, the State Disaster Management Authority noted that 136 people lost their lives due to landslides and flash floods. Additionally, 231 individuals succumbed to road accidents and other causes during this tumultuous monsoon season. The unfolding tragedy in Himachal Pradesh underscores the urgent need for effective disaster management and mitigation measures, as the state grapples with the devastating consequences of heavy rainfall and its aftermath.

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