Man has received human life to know the existence of formless God : Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj
Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj

Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj

Man has received human life to know the existence of formless God : Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj

Panchkula  , January 5: Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj while blessing  thousands of saints who had gathered at Rajpura's New Grain Market on the occasion of the huge Nirankari Sant Samagam, said that human life has been received to human beings only to know the existence of formless God. The one who has come to know this Supreme power, the love for every human being automatically arises in the life .

Read It: Nirankari Satguru's Message To Humanity On The Occasion Of New Year

Those who worship God after attaining God knowledge, one become free from the cycle of birth and death. Saints always live in the society by building bridges of love and destroy the walls of hatred. We should always deal with love, humility, tolerance, unity by eliminating the feeling of enmity, opposition, hatred, jealousy towards each other. Giving inspiration, not to spread  addictions prevalent in the society, Satguru Mata Ji said that  Nirankar should always reside in our hearts. She gave the example that when a person throws a pebble in standing water, the spread of the water wave is visible all around. Keep your nature towards every human being in the same way as you keep it in front of nirankar.  One should not criticize or backbite even behind someone's back. We have to adopt good qualities all the time, not just to be good for our own benefit but to become a good human being by adopting good qualities forever. It was further explained that one should not hate anybody on the basis of colour, form, caste, caste, food or drink, but imbibe their good qualities. Giving example, Satguru Mata Ji said that when we are alone in the room, we see our own shadow many times, then it is felt that it is some other person, but later we realise that it is our own shadow. Similarly, when we harm someone but later we come  to know that the same God resides in him or her which is inside me. So,   Nirankar is in every human being that's why we have to move forward by loving everyone. If there is water in our pot then only we can give water to someone. In the same way, when we adopt the spirit of love, affection, humility, tolerance etc. then only we can share love, humility and tolerance to anyone. We all have to do Prema Bhakti, connect our lives with this formless God and live in bliss  all the time. Whatever may be the situation, we should always thank God in times of sorrow as well as in happiness. On this occasion, Zonal Incharge Patiala Radhey Shyam ji welcomed Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj, Nirankari Rajpta Ramit ji and all the saints. He thanked the local police administration, civil administration, city council, market committee, agent association and various political, social organizations of the area, religious organisations and the city residents for their full cooperation.

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