Nirankari blood donation camp gives the message of
Nirankari blood donation camp gives the message of

130 devotees donated blood

Nirankari blood donation camp gives the message of "Human should be dear to human, be the support of each other"

Raipur Rani Panchkula, (12 February 2023) Sant Nirankari Charitable Foundation ( a social department of Sant Nirankari Mission)  organized a blood donation camp at Raipurrani branch with the aim of spreading the welfare message of "Human should be dear to human, be the support of each other" by Nirankari Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj. In this camp, blood was donated by 130 devotees. Blood bank teams of Civil Hospital Panchkula and Ropar did the work for collecting the blood.
This camp was inaugurated by Rev. Rajesh Gaur, Kshetriya Sanchalak of Sant Nirankari Sewa Dal, Panchkula area. Expressing his gratitude to all the blood donors who participated in the blood donation camp, he said that Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj, Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj's statement "Life matters when you live for others" should be done through a significant donation like blood donation. Giving inspiration, Satguru Mata Ji has always explained that service to humanity is the real religion of man.
On this occasion, Rev. Ram Sarup, Head of Raipurrani branch, thanked the Chief Guest, Rajesh Gaur, all the blood donors, villagers from nearby villages, team of doctors from Panchkula and Ropar for their cooperation in reaching Raipurrani and making the blood donation camp a success. He said that Satguru Mata Sudiksha ji always inspires us to fulfil Maharaj Baba Hardev Singh ji's statement "human blood should flow in veins, not in drains".
The aim of the mission has been to do welfare of human society. Mission always prioritises theology and all kinds of philanthropic activities like tree plantation, blood donation, and helping others in natural calamities.
For publication in your respected newspaper Bulletin.

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