Nobel foundation reverses decision on ambassadors' invitations
Nobel foundation rescinds invitations

Nobel foundation reverses decision on ambassadors' invitations

Nobel foundation rescinds invitations to Russian, Belarusian, and Iranian ambassadors

Swift reversal after public backlash

In a surprising about-face, the Nobel Foundation has withdrawn its invitations to the ambassadors of Russia, Belarus, and Iran to attend this year's Nobel Prize awards ceremony in Stockholm. This decision marks a stark reversal from their earlier announcement and comes after facing widespread criticism.

Last year, the Nobel Foundation had omitted the ambassadors of Russia and Belarus due to Russia's military incursion into Ukraine. However, on Thursday, they declared their intention to extend invitations to these countries' ambassadors, along with Iran's envoy, for the upcoming December award ceremonies. Their rationale was to include diplomatic representatives, even those whose governments may not align with the values embodied by the Nobel Prize.

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Acknowledging public reaction

The Nobel Foundation's latest statement acknowledges the vehement reactions within Sweden. In light of these responses, they have opted to uphold last year's unconventional practice, which entails not inviting the ambassadors of Russia, Belarus, and Iran to the prestigious Nobel Prize award ceremony in Stockholm. 

The Nobel Prize winners will be announced in early October, and five of the six Nobel Prizes are traditionally presented in Stockholm. The selection process remains shrouded in secrecy, with nominees' names kept confidential for five decades. The Nobel Peace Prize, on the other hand, is awarded in Oslo, with separate festivities held for this distinct honor.

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