Perks and allowances available to Former Member of Parliament
Perks and allowances available to Former Member of Parliament
The Salary allowances, and Pensions of Members of Parliament (Amendment) Bill 2010, was passed in the year 2010. The amendment was made to the Salary, Allowances and Pension of Members of Parliament Act, 1954. This amendment paved the way for a hike in the salary emoluments and allowances for MPs.
Members of the Parliament with the effect from 18 May 2009, received Rs. 50, 000 as salary, a hike of 36, 000 from the earlier Rs.16, 000. The daily allowances have been increased from Rs.1000 to 2000 with the effect from 1 October 2010.
An ex-MP who has served as a member of the provisional parliament or either house of parliament for any period receives a pension of twenty thousand per month. If the duration is more than five years, the ex-MP shall receive an additional pension of Rs. 15000 for a period of five years, from the day of his retirement.
The spouse or dependent of ex-MP is also entitled to the family pension of 50%, of pension at the time of death of ex-MP, for the remaining period of life - subject to the fulfilment of conditions stipulated in section 2 (aa) of MSA (Member Salary and Allowances) act.
If the MP has served, before 15 September 2006, the spouse/dependent is eligible to receive a pension as would be provided to the ex-MP serving.
Travel Allowances for an ex-MP
Section 8AA of the MSA (Member Salary Allowances) of Lok Sabha Secretariat, makes an ex-MP eligible for travelling in the first-class compartment of the train if travelling alone, and eligible to travel in second class if travelling along with a companion on the strength of ex-MP card issued by Lok Sabha secretariat.
Free medical facilities
Ex-MPs are eligible for the (CGHS) Central Government Health Schemes available in the cities providing such facilities, on the payment of the same rate as they were paying as Members of Parliament. An ex-MP can obtain this facility directly by contacting the Director General (CGHS), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.
(CGHS is the model health care facility provider for the Central Government employees and Pensioners and is unique of its kind due to the large volume of the beneficiary base. This Central Government scheme which claims to be serving for six decades is available for all the four pillars of democracy: the Judiciary, Legislature, Bureaucracy, and the Press. The CGHS is currently providing its services in 76 cities and has around 38.5 lakh beneficiaries)