PM Modi to unveil Statue of Equality
Statue of Equality

The world’s second tallest statue in a sitting position is made up of ‘panchaloha’

PM Modi to inaugurate the world’s 2nd largest statue

On Saturday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Hyderabad, Telangana, to unveil the ‘Statue of Equality,’ which honours Bhakti saint Sri Ramanujacharya, who lived in the 11th century. During his visit, the Prime Minister will also kick off ICRISAT’s 50th anniversary celebrations.

On Saturday, Prime Minister Modi will inaugurate the 216-foot-tall ‘Statue of Equality.’ PM Modi remarked in a tweet, “At 5 PM, I will join the programme to inaugurate the ‘Statue of Equality.’ This is a fitting tribute to Sri Ramanujacharya, whose sacred thoughts and teachings inspire us.” 

At 5 PM, I will join the programme to inaugurate the ‘Statue of Equality.’ This is a fitting tribute to Sri Ramanujacharya, whose sacred thoughts and teachings inspire us.

— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) February 5, 2022 ">http://  

The statue honours Bhakti saint Sri Ramanujacharya, who preached equality in all realms of life, including faith, caste, and creed.

The statue is made of ‘panchaloha,’ a five-metal alloy consisting of gold, silver, copper, brass, and zinc. Irld’s tallest metallic statues in a sitting position.

The monument is set atop a 54-foot-high base structure known as ‘Bhadra Vedi.’ The structure comprises floors dedicated to a Vedic digital library and research centre, ancient Indian scriptures, a theatre, and an educational gallery showcasing Sri Ramanujacharya’s contributions.

Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swami of Sri Ramanujacharya Ashram conceptualized the statue. The statue is the world’s second tallest statue in a sitting posture. The Buddha statue in Thailand, at 301 feet, takes the spot as the world’s tallest ‘sitting’ statue.

According to the PMO, a 3D projection depicting the saint’s life and teachings would be shown during the programme.

Sri Ramanujacharya is credited with continuously working for the upliftment of all people, regardless of nationality, gender, race, caste, or creed. The unveiling of this statue is part of a 12-day ceremony commemorating his 1,000th birthday.

Who was saint Ramanujacharya?

Born in 1017 in Sriperumbudur in Tamil Nadu, Saint Ramanujacharya is revered as a Vedic philosopher who revived the Bhakti Movement. According to the ancient scriptures, he lived for 120 years, a claim often questioned by modern scholars and historians. In the early 11th and 12th centuries, the saint is said to have travelled across the length and breadth of the country to promote equality and social justice.

According to his followers, Ramanujacharya was one of the first who fought against social, cultural, gender, educational and economic discrimination. He is said to have spread teachings like equality among every human regardless of nationality, gender, race, caste or creed. Several scholars followed his path and the works of many ancient poets like Annamacharya, Bhakt Ramdas, Thyagaraja, Kabir, and Meerabai were inspired by him.

He is considered to be a timeless icon of equality for social reformists around the world. He made education accessible to those who were the most deprived in those days and came up with the concept of ‘Vasudhaiva kutumbakam’, which means that all universe is one family.

He opened the doors of temples to all people, including those subjected to extreme discrimination. He is also believed to have taught about the protection of nature and its resources like air, water and soil.


PM Modi will also attend the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics’ 50th anniversary celebrations (ICRISAT). “At roughly 2:45 PM, I will join the 50th anniversary festivities of ICRISAT, an important institution that works on aspects linked to agriculture and innovation,” he tweeted on Saturday morning.

PM Modi will inaugurate the ICRISAT plant protection climate change research facility and the ICRISAT rapid generation development facility. Small farmers in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa will benefit from the two facilities. On the occasion, PM Modi will also unveil a specially designed ICRISAT emblem and issue a commemorative stamp.

ICRISAT is a non-profit organisation based in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa that performs agricultural research for development. It aids farmers in the fight against climate change by supplying enhanced agricultural types.



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