Ready To Respond Decisively To Russian Attack : Biden
Ready To Respond Decisively To Russian Attack : Biden

Ready To Respond Decisively To Russian Attack : Biden

"Ready To Respond Decisively To Russian Attack On Ukraine," says Biden.


US President Joe Biden said Tuesday that there is still time to negotiate a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine situation, but that sanctions are "ready to go" if Russian soldiers attack the country. 

Despite Russia's statements earlier in the day, Biden stated that the United States and its allies had yet to verify the evacuation of some of the 150,000 troops he claimed Moscow had amassed around Ukraine's border. 

In a speech on the crisis, Biden remarked, "Analysts indicate that they are very much in a threatening position."

"Whatever happens, the United States is prepared. With diplomacy, we are prepared "declared the US president. 

"And we are prepared to respond firmly to a Russian invasion on Ukraine, which remains a distinct possibility," he warned, threatening "potent sanctions."

At the end of planned drills, Moscow's defence ministry reported that some soldiers and equipment were departing the border region to return to their bases. 

President Vladimir Putin said after a meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Moscow on Tuesday that Russia "of course" did not desire conflict and was eager to work with the West to find a solution.

"We are eager to continue our collaboration. "We are prepared to proceed along the path of discussions," Putin said during a joint press conference with Scholz, confirming a "partial troop drawdown."" 

- 'Not our adversary' -

After warning over the weekend that Russian forces were set to invade Ukraine as soon as this week, Washington said it wanted to see indications of a de-escalation. 

On Saturday, Biden spoke with Putin face to face and said there were "serious ways" to address both sides' security concerns.

He stated, "We should give diplomacy every chance to work." 

In response to Putin's concerns that Ukraine would try to join NATO, putting additional strategic weapons on Russia's borders, Biden said the US has presented "concrete suggestions to construct a secure environment in Europe." 

On Ukraine, though, he added: "However, we will not jeopardise fundamental ideals. The right to sovereignty and territorial integrity belongs to all nations."

He stated that the US, NATO, and Ukraine do not pose a threat to Russia. 

"Russia's population should know that they are not our adversaries. And I don't think you want a bloody, destructive war with Ukraine, do you? "he stated

- 'Absurd' situation-

Scholz appeared to go even further in reassuring the Russians about Ukraine's membership in NATO.

Following his discussion with Putin, he informed German reporters that Ukraine has no plans to join NATO. 

"There is one fact: Ukraine's membership in NATO is not on the table," Scholz added.

"Everyone needs to take a step back and recognise that we can't have a military confrontation over a topic that isn't on the table," he said, calling such a situation "absurd." 

Washington, on the other hand, stepped up its challenge to Moscow. Secretary of State Antony Blinken demanded verification of withdrawal in a call with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. 

The State Department said in a statement that Blinken "stressed the need to see verifiable, credible, and substantial de-escalation."

- Cyberattack-

After a series of cyberattacks knocked off the websites of the country's defence ministry and armed forces, as well as two state banks, Kyiv remained uneasy. 

Defense experts have been predicting for weeks that a Russian invasion would be preceded by a cyber strike. 

The Oschadbank state savings bank and Privat, two of the country's largest financial organisations, were among the sites affected.

Both returned to service later Tuesday, although the military sites remained inaccessible for some hours after the attack was first reported. 

The military ministry's website was down due to "technical maintenance," according to an error message. 

Separately, Russian legislators voted Tuesday to urge Putin to recognise two breakaway areas in eastern Ukraine as "sovereign and independent states," a decision that is certain to enrage Kyiv.

The two regions, Donetsk and Lugansk, have large Russian-speaking, pro-Moscow populations that have been locked in a deadly fight with Kyiv since 2014, with the conflict claiming some 14,000 lives.

Declaring them independent republics would effectively end the Minsk agreements peace plan for the ongoing war, and potentially open the door to bring in Russian troops.

Russia already controls the Crimean Peninsula that it seized from Ukraine in 2014.

Also read : Putin says Russia is ready to discuss confidence-building measures


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