Women Workforce in Informal Sector

Reason Behind Fewer Women Participation In Informal Sector

Reason Behind Fewer Women Participation In Informal Sector

India's Unemployment rate witnessed a decline after it got dropped to 6.57 per cent in January, according to CMIE (Center for Monitoring Indian Economy). The Female Labour Force participation rate was at 9.4% for the period between September-December, 2021 the lowest since 2016.


What is behind the comparatively lesser participation of women?

Women dominate the informal economy in the country. The agriculture sector is believed to provide the highest number of jobs in the informal sector. Of the total 96% of informal jobs in rural India, women dominate with 98% participation in them. In urban area, 79% of jobs are informal in nature, of which 82% are women.

However, there are concerns associated with women's participation in the informal sector. Among many reasons responsible for the concern, the least explored is the violence faced by women in the informal sector.

A 2018 survey conducted in India of 291 domestic workers found that 29% of them experienced sexual harassment at work, 19% ignored the incident, 15% spoke with friends about it, and 20% complained to police about it without any result.


India’s law against the exploitation of women.

India has two laws against sexual exploitation. First, the unorganized workers' Act of 2008, and the sexual harassment of women at the workplace Act, of 2013. However, not many women in the unorganized sector are aware of it, and hence are unable to seek redressal.

Most of the women working in the informal sector come from poor socioeconomic backgrounds. They are forced to work in a stressful conditions due to poverty, illiteracy etc. Further, cases related to sexual exploitation are not reported owing to social boycott, loss of employment etc.


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