Saudi Arabia calls for two-state solution amid Israel-Hamas escalation

Saudi Arabia calls for two-state solution amid Israel-Hamas escalation

Saudi Arabia urges 'two-state solution' amid escalating Israel-Hamas conflict

In the midst of escalating tensions between Israel and Hamas militants based in Palestine, Saudi Arabia has made an urgent appeal for an immediate cessation of hostilities. The Kingdom has called upon the international community to take swift action and initiate a "credible peace process" that would ultimately lead to a two-state solution.

On Saturday, hundreds of Hamas militants breached the blockade of the Gaza Strip and launched a surprise attack on Israeli towns, resulting in a tragic toll. The attack claimed the lives of approximately 300 people and left more than 1,500 others injured. This unprecedented incident prompted Israel to respond with airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, targeting buildings hosting Hamas offices and fighters. The airstrikes continued for over 24 hours.

Saudi Arabia's call for peace

In a statement, Saudi Arabia expressed its deep concern and closely monitored the evolving situation between Palestinian factions and Israeli forces. The Kingdom emphasized the international community's responsibility to protect civilians and restore peace in the region. Saudi Arabia reiterated its commitment to promoting a two-state solution as a means to achieve security, peace, and stability.

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Various nations, including India, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Turkey, and Ukraine, have expressed their support for Israel during this crisis. Iran, on the other hand, has endorsed Palestine's attack on Israeli towns, referring to it as the "Al-Aqsa Storm" operation.

The elusive two-state solution

The two-state solution, proposed by the Peel Commission in 1937 and later by the United Nations in 1947, envisioned Israel and Palestine coexisting as separate, independent states. However, this solution has faced significant challenges over the years and has yet to materialize. While recent statements from the United States have affirmed support for a two-state solution, research indicates declining optimism for its realization among Israelis, emphasizing the complex and fragile nature of the peace process.

Saudi Arabia's call for a ceasefire highlights the urgent need for diplomatic efforts to quell the violence and pave the way for a lasting resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict.

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