

Apple allows alternative payment systems in South Korea

Apple has submitted proposals to allow third-party payment systems on its app store, according to South Korea’s telecoms regulator, in order…

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On March 7 and 8, the ICJ will hold Ukraine war hearings

The International Court of Justice announced Tuesday that it will convene hearings on the crisis in Ukraine on March 7 and 8, as fighting increases.

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Unseasonal Rains and Hailstorms Devastate Himachal's Apple Crop: A Blow to Farmers' Livelihoods

Unusual rain and hailstorms have caused extensive damage to the apple crop in Himachal Pradesh,…

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The Astonishing Price of a Sealed 2007 Apple iPhone: A Testament to Enduring Love and Rarity

People have a strong affection for Apple products, especially iPhones. This love extends not only to the…

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Apple's historic $110 billion buyback and strong quarterly results

Apple's latest quarterly results surpassed expectations, leading to the announcement of a groundbreaking share repurchase initiative. The move…

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