U.P. BJP chief blames Congress for partition

U.P. BJP chief blames Congress for partition

U.P. BJP chief attributes partition blame to Congress

Bhupendra Chaudhary, Uttar Pradesh BJP chief, has pointed fingers at the Congress for the historical event of Partition, attributing it to the party's actions that resulted in immense suffering. During a press conference held on the eve of August 14, Chaudhary expressed his sentiments, asserting that this day was a somber one in Indian history due to the occurrence of the Partition.

Remembrance day

The BJP has designated August 14 as the 'Vibhajan Vibhishika Smriti Diwas' or 'Partition Horrors Remembrance Day' since 2021. Chaudhary remarked that this date serves as a poignant reminder of the traumas endured during Partition and underscores the importance of maintaining unity within the nation. To honor the memory of those who lost their lives or were displaced during this tumultuous period, the party intends to hold silent processions, seminars, conferences, and exhibitions.

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Congress role and critique

Chaudhary likened the Congress to the British, accusing them of adopting a "divide and rule" strategy. He expressed irony in how the Congress, despite being associated with numerous communal conflicts, positions itself as a secular party. Chaudhary further pointed out that the Congress collaborated with the British to facilitate the enactment of various communal bills, a behavior contradictory to its self-proclaimed secular image.

Referring to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar's perspective, Chaudhary highlighted that the Congress' approach of appeasing the Muslim League and their policy of "divide and rule" were disapproved by Ambedkar himself. Ambedkar's reservations about these actions are documented in his book titled 'Thoughts on Pakistan'.

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In essence, Chaudhary's statements not only draw attention to the historical significance of August 14 but also cast a critical eye on the Congress' role during the Partition era, as he asserts that their policies contributed to the communal tensions and divisive events of that time.

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